Hello my little sushi rolls,
Well you'll never guess what happened. Ginger at Self Conscious Posturing tagged me as one of seven Stylish Bloggers. Basically it's a wee blog award that is then passed on to other Stylish Bloggers in the blogosphere.
Those tagged as stylish bloggers must reveal seven interesting factoids about themselves before passing the nomination on to other deserving candidates. The whole idea is to consolidate the blogging community, develop new readers and friendships and say HURRAH for producing content that people like to read when they are otherwise unoccupied.
So, I shan't delay. My seven maybe-interesting nuggets are:
1. [OCD alert.] I organise my wardrobe into garment order (left to right: tops, skirts, dresses, trousers, jackets, coats, dressing gowns) and then arrange each segment in colour order (lightest to darkest). I've done this since I was twelve, lord knows why. I'm not even a very tidy person, but the wardrobe has to be perfect.
2. I grew up on an tangelo/kiwifruit orchard in a little rural community called Bethlehem, which is in Tauranga, New Zealand.
3. My favourite flowers are tulips. They have so much historical, economic, and artistic baggage (cf. Dutch speculation in tulip bulbs in the 17th Century). And they are pretty, which helps. Pretty always helps.
4. One day I want to make a 'Thumbelina' Christmas dinner; a single baby quail for each diner, plus baby carrots, baby beetroot, baby spinach... wouldn't it be the best?
5. I don't have any tattoos. Not even one. I had a bunch of piercings in my teens and early twenties (including a sizable silver spike under my lip) but now I don't even wear earrings.
6. My favourite music to cook to is Patsy Cline. I put on my apron, sing along to Patsy, stir my pots and just feel like life couldn't be better. Never fails to cheer me up. Sweet indie bands can make good music to cook to as well. I actually discovered two new ones last week: Tennis and Spring Breakup. Check them out!
7. My mother is a personal trainer. She's an absolute machine and is in far better shape than me.
So my nominations are...
- Antonie at Antonie Hates
- Ellen at Little Hometown to a Big Ol' City
- Jeremiah at Foreignish Fotos
- Sarah at Girls and Bicycles
- Nigel at Toronto Verve
- Jo at Hubris
- All the ladies at Pretty Pretty Pretty
To leave you on a foodie high, here is an oldie but a goodie: Alie and Georgia Present Ham Daiquiri. You like ham? You like alcohol? You like pineapple? This is for you.
Splendid, as always, dear Doris. You are a stylish lady AND blogger.