My darlings. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Doris Plum, and I like food; buying it, cooking it, writing about it, eating it, talking about it. I'm a New Zealander living in Massachusetts, shortly moving to Canada.
Some meandering thoughts to get us started:
- Skim milk is the devil, and artificial sweetener will probably kill you in the end. Although I quite like the packaging for Sweet'n'Low. I think it's the colour; that sickly pink is strangely alluring, it reminds me of the bunny suit from A Christmas Story.
- If I could eat one food for the rest of my life it would be avocados, closely followed by roast chicken (skin on, thank you).
- Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall is a god among men, and Emeril Lagasse might be a secret misanthrope. I love how his TV audience screams like little girls whenever he says the word "garlic" though. That shit cracks me up.
- People should know where their food comes from. Go to the farmers' market even if it's raining, you goddamn wuss. Make it a social occasion. I remember arranging to meet my bestie Sarah Jane at the Sunday markets a few years ago. It had all the makings of a Shakespearian comedy of errors (minus the cross dressing) or maybe an American sitcom (minus the cross dressing). I was waiting at the Chaffers Park markets, meanwhile SHE was lingering at the peach stand of the Willis Street markets. Sarah Jane waited by those peaches for 45 minutes so she could deliver a dirty peach-related one-liner when I arrived. Alas it was not to be. And the little filth-monger never divulged what the one-liner was. It's time to spill, S.J.
- Eat more vegetables than you think you need. Brussels sprouts are gorgeous and deserve their own backlit display stands. The majestic leek is worthy of seventeen sonnets. And don't get me started on the shy, rustling beauty of kale. Oh, kale.
- I think it's bizarre that people add marshmallows to sweet potato casserole (when I say "people" I really just mean "Americans." Marshmallows are big here, as are some of the people).
- One day I want to make turducken. And when I do, I shall write about it here in the Adventures of Doris Plum. I'll also write fun food facts from the history books, home kitchen wins, beer write-ups, restaurant reviews, food-related present ideas, and some general foodie rants when I'm feeling snarly. Please join me.
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