Thursday, December 16, 2010

My food resolutions for 2011

It's coming up to that time of year again. Bleugh. My resolutions in past years have been a mixed bag of cliche and whimsy; give up smoking (win!), take up hula hooping, get my drivers license, wear peppermint essential oil instead of perfume, don't wear so much goddamn black. Yes, I'm a recovering liberal arts graduate. For 2011, I want my resolutions to be exclusively food-related. So here goes.

I hereby pledge to:

  • Start my own underground Supper Club. This is a super exciting resolution, my little kittens. This article gives you a bit of a run-down if you're unfamiliar with the concept, but basically, it's a small pop-up restaurant. Great, fresh food; a disparate array of people; BYO wine. One supper club per month, $20 for three sumptuous courses. More announcements are to come in regard to Doris Plum's Supper Club, but I'm scheming madly...
  • Remember that eating is a political act, and that every bite is a vote. Not rocket science (after all, we've all read Fast Food Nation and seen Jamie Oliver lisping his way through that school dinner series). This means going out of my way to choose sustainable producers, buying food with less packaging, shopping in the organics aisle even if it bankrupts me and I have to live in a cardboard box.
  • Give a non-dairy diet a chance. My rampant love of cheese has always thwarted this resolution in the past, but I have sinus issues and cutting out dairy will apparently change my life. Grumble grumble. I guess I'll give it a go, two week trial run. Apparently giving up alcohol will also help, but let's not go crazy now. *nervous giggle*
  • Learn how to debone a turkey. This is step one of making turducken, which is definitely on my to-do list of ostentatious novelty foods. I also want to make meat cake, and maybe cake meat.

What are your food resolutions, my darlings? Comment here or email

Love, Doris

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